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Espiritismo 101: Basics of Espiritismo

A person walks through a maze of small pebbles on a serene beach

Have you ever felt like there's more to life than meets the eye? Maybe you’ve sensed a “presence” that felt connected to you, one that made you wonder if your dearly departed loved ones are still cheering you on from the sidelines. Guess what? You're not alone!

Welcome to the fascinating world of Espiritismo, where the veil between the living and the spirit world is about as thin as your granny’s lace curtains.

What is Espiritismo?

Let's start with the basics. By definition, “Espiritismo” is the Spanish term for “Spiritism,” a spiritual philosophy that believes in the existence of spirits who can communicate with the living. Followers of this philosophy are known as “Spiritists” or “Espiritistas.”

Spiritism traces its origins to a 19th-century French educator named Allan Kardec, who was intrigued by the spiritualist movement sweeping across Europe. Kardec decided to systematically investigate this phenomenon and, after years of research and countless séances, he compiled his findings into a series of books. Of these books, "The Spirits' Book," is essentially the foundational codex of Spiritism. It's filled with questions about life, death, and everything in between, all answered by spirits through mediums. The ultimate goal is self-improvement of your self and spirit.

However, modern Espiritismo as it’s practiced throughout Latin America and the Caribbean has developed a distinct identity compared to its European Spiritism counterpart. Spiritist beliefs arrived to the melting pot of the Americas and started to rub up against and incorporate traditions from all of the peoples who had come to this New World against their wills - Africans, East and West Asians, Irishmen, and more. 

Today, there are multiple distinct versions of Espiritismo throughout the Americas, such as Brazilian Espiritismo, Puerto Rican Espiritismo, Venezuelan Espiritismo, etc. For the sake of simplicity, moving forward in this article, we'll focus on Espiritismo specifically as it exists within the American diaspora.

The ABCs of Espiritismo

Let’s break down some key concepts of Espiritismo:

  • Spirit Evolution: Spirits are believed to be on a continuous path of self-improvement and enlightenment. This journey is perpetual, with each spirit striving to become more morally and spiritually refined until they attain enlightenment.

  • Mediumship: Mediums are individuals who possess the ability to communicate with spirits. Mediums have a crucial role in Espiritismo, as they help bridge the gap between the material and the spiritual, offering insights and support to those seeking connection with the spirit realm.

  • Universal Laws: Espiritismo adheres to a set of divine laws that govern the universe. These laws emphasize fairness, justice, and respect for all beings and act as a cosmic rulebook, guiding our ethical and moral conduct.

  • Animism: Many Espiritistas also adhere to the belief that all things have a soul or spirit. This extends beyond humans and animals to include all natural elements, reflecting a profound respect for the interconnectedness of all life. 

  • The Spirits: One of the distinguishing characteristics of Espiritismo in the American diaspora is the existence of Spirits beyond just the dead. This is interconnected with the belief in Animism. Mediums have access to all spirits. 

  • Divine Consciousness: Espiritistas believe in a Divine Conscious Force that animates and sustains everything in existence. This force is considered the source of all life and creation, guiding the spiritual evolution of all beings.

  • Karma: Thanks to the British importing Indian labor to the Americas (Sarcasm), Espiritismo was also influenced by and adopted many concepts of Hinduism and Buddhism. One of these concepts was Karma, the belief that every action has consequences, not only in our current life but also in future ones. This principle encourages individuals to act with integrity and kindness, understanding that their deeds will influence their spiritual development over multiple lifetimes.

  • Reincarnation: Many Espiritistas believe that our souls experience multiple lifetimes, which gives us time to learn and grow spiritually. This "many lives, many lessons" approach is a bit like attending a cosmic university - each life presents unique opportunities and challenges. The goal is to progress spiritually until we achieve a higher state of enlightenment.

  • Faith, Hope, Charity: These virtues are central to Espiritismo, deeply influenced by Catholic, Protestant, Marian, and Rosicrucian traditions. They serve as guiding principles for living a life of wisdom and compassion under the guidance of Sophia, the embodiment of divine wisdom.

Espiritismo in Practice

Now that we've got the basics down, you might be wondering, "So, what do Espiritistas actually do?" Contrary to popular misconception, it's not all about sitting in dark rooms, holding hands, and waiting for Great-Aunt Gertrude to knock twice (though that can be a part of it)! 

As I mentioned earlier, Espiritismo is really all about personal growth and helping others. Here are some common practices that align with those values:

  • Study Groups: Espiritistas often come together to discuss spiritual texts of all kinds and share their experiences. It's like a book club, but instead of debating plot twists, they explore deep existential questions. These gatherings provide a supportive environment for learning and spiritual growth.

  • Charity Work: Espiritismo emphasizes putting beliefs into action and practicing what you preach. That’s why many Espiritistas actively engage in community service and charitable activities. It's all about spreading positivity and elevating your spirit through meaningful acts of kindness.

  • Healing Sessions: Some Espiritistas practice spiritual healing, by (1) channeling spirit to help others, (2) Hands on healing, (3) herbal remedies, (4) Misa (a group of healers) It’s a little like a spiritual battery recharge, where the focus is on restoring balance through positive intention and energy.

  • Mediumship Development:If you’re interested in developing your ability to communicate with spirits, there are several classes and workshops available. There are also sessions called Misas Espirituales that can help aspiring mediums refine their skills and deepen their connection to the spirit world. These sessions may look different from tradition to tradition.

  • Prayer and Meditation: Regular prayer and meditation are vital for connecting with the spirit world and fostering personal growth. It's like yoga for the soul, providing a peaceful space for reflection, spiritual connection, and inner development. This is done solitarily at your personal altar (boveda), and in group settings like mass (misa).

Espiritismo Around the Globe

While Spiritism was born in France, it didn’t stay there. Good ideas tend to spread, and Spiritism eventually gained fans and followers worldwide. But just like Chinese food or McDonald’s tends to be a little different in every country to suit local tastes, Spiritism became Espiritismo in the Americas, and has taken on local flavor wherever it went.

In Brazil, for instance, Espiritismo has become a significant spiritual movement, deeply integrated with local traditions and culture. It’s gotten so popular that it’s even influenced healthcare practices, with some Brazilian hospitals offering spiritual healing alongside conventional medical treatments. This holistic approach ensures that patients receive care for both their physical and spiritual well-being, reflecting the comprehensive nature of Espiritismo's influence on society.

In Puerto Rico, where my family is from, Espiritismo is a rich, complex spiritual tradition that blends indigenous Taíno beliefs with African spiritual practices and Catholicism. For example, the Taíno belief in animism, where spirits inhabit all aspects of nature, is reflected in Espiritismo as rituals honoring the elements and ancestral spirits. Espiritistas also incorporate Taíno symbols, use natural herbs for healing, and perform ceremonies invoking the spirits of the land and ancestors, much like traditional Taíno rituals. 

Espiritismo in the 21st Century

You might be wondering how a 19th-century spiritual philosophy fits into our smartphone-addicted, meme-loving world. It turns out that Espiritismo is actually pretty adaptable! 

Many Espiritistas now offer online classes and workshops, virtual study groups, and even long-distance healing sessions. You can even find Espiritismo apps that provide daily inspirational messages from the spirit world. Social media has also become a platform for Espiritistas to connect and share experiences (including yours truly). There are Facebook groups, Instagram accounts, YouTube pages, and even TikTok channels dedicated to Espiritismo. Who knew spirits could be so tech-savvy?

In Summary

Espiritismo offers a spiritual perspective that emphasizes personal growth, moral development, and the continuity of the soul. Espiritismo provides food for thought about life, death, and what might come after. It reminds us that there's always room for growth, that our actions have consequences, and that maybe – just maybe – our loved ones are still watching over us, even if we can't see them.

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