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How to Practice Espiritismo: Beginner's Guide

Hand holding a compass against the setting sun, a river and some mountains in the background

Welcome, spiritual adventurers! Ready to dip your toes into Espiritismo? Whether you're looking to reconnect with a deceased family member or just curious about what's beyond the veil, this guide is designed to help you learn some basics on how to practice Espiritismo. Let's dive in!

Understanding Espiritismo

Before we jump into the "how," let's chat about the "what." Espiritismo is a spiritual practice that originated in 19th-century France but really found its groove in Latin America, especially in Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Brazil.

Key Principles of Espiritismo

Before we dive into the practices, let's take a closer look at some Espiritismo basics. While it should be noted that Espiritismo is not a monolith and traditions may vary from person to person, there are some core ideas that tend to be pretty common:

  • Divine Source: Espiritistas believe that there’s an intelligent source imbued in all things, one that Espiritistas strive to emulate through acts of spiritual development and service. 

  • Law of Progress: This is the belief that all living things reincarnate over multiple lifetimes in order to make moral and intellectual progress.

  • Faith, Hope, and Charity: Borrowed from the Catholic idea of the Three Virtues, these virtues are meant to help Espiritistas guide their actions.

  • Path of Purification: This is the path every Espiritista is expected to follow - a continuous refinement of their mind, body, and spirit achieved through the Law of Progress and the aid of the Three Virtues.

  • Communication with Spirits: Spirits as a broad category include our ancestors, our spirit guides, and ourselves (yes, you have a spirit too). Through practice and development as an Espiritista, you can potentially gain access to any spirit in this or any other spiritual reality. Practitioners develop their spiritual faculties (psychic muscles) to connect with spirits to gain insights and support on their spiritual journey.

  • Spiritual healing: Contact with spirits isn’t just for funsies - Espiritistas obtain valuable guidance from their spirits, as well as help in performing healing works for the community and themselves. Possibly even helping practitioners overcome past traumas and find inner peace.

  • Personal growth: Espiritismo is all about continuous self-improvement, as dictated by the Law of Progress. Practitioners strive to become more compassionate, understanding, and spiritually evolved individuals through the application of the Three Virtues. 

  • Mediumship and Spiritual Development: Espiritistas practice their psychic and mediumistic abilities together and on their own. Mediumship and other spiritual abilities become more refined as you progress in your spiritual development.

Now that we've got the basics down, let's take a look at how you might get started on your journey as a beginner Espiritista!

Potential Benefits of Practicing Espiritismo

Many Espiritistas report experiencing various positive outcomes from their practice. While individual experiences may vary, here are some of the potential benefits that practitioners often describe:

  1. Personal and Spiritual Growth: As practitioners dedicate time to their spiritual practice, many report feeling a sense of growth and development. This might manifest as increased self-awareness, enhanced intuition, or a feeling of being more in tune with your inner self.

  2. Ancestral Healing: Many Espiritistas align their spiritual development by trying to elevate their ancestral line. This may result in receiving ancestral blessings and or even breaking generational traumas.

  3. Emotional Processing: The practice of connecting with spirits is often seen as a way to work through unresolved emotions or past traumas. 

  4. Community Connection: Engaging with Espiritismo often involves joining a community of like-minded individuals. This sense of belonging and shared experience can be a source of support and friendship for many practitioners.

  5. Confidence: Espiritismo’s scientific approach to the supernatural can help practitioners remove some of the fear and stigma they may have regarding spirits.

It's important to note that these benefits are based on personal reports. As with any spiritual practice, experiences can be highly individual.

Step 1: Preparing Your Mind and Spirit

If you’re still interested in getting started with practicing Espiritismo, getting your mind right is half the battle when it comes to any spiritual practice. In Espiritismo, everything starts with the mind or higher self, as this is essentially where we engage with spirits, so it’s important to prepare your vessel properly.  Here's how to start getting ready:

  1. Set Clear Intentions: What's your spiritual goal? Are you just trying to catch up with Auntie Edna? Or perhaps you’re seeking life guidance? Getting clear on what you want before you start helps provide a sense of direction.

  2. Open Your Mind: I can’t stress this enough - leave your skepticism at the door! You don't have to believe everything right away, but you do need to be open to new experiences.

  3. Start Meditating: Begin with short daily sessions. The more you do it, the stronger your spiritual muscles will become.

Step 2: Creating Your Spiritual Space

Your sacred space (also known as a “mesa blanca” or “boveda”) is an important tool in Espiritismo. This, to me, is where the magic really happens! Though it will eventually serve as a place to potentially house your ancestors, at the start of your journey the altar is simply the space where you access the union between your higher mind and the Divine Source. Keep it simple to start with. Here are some things you’ll need to get started with your setup:

  • A quiet, undisturbed spot of your home

  • A table with a clean white tablecloth

  • A single white candle

  • Clean drinking water in a stemmed glass

Do your best to keep this space clean, both physically and energetically. Regular dusting and the occasional resin smoke will help keep your space spirit-friendly.

Step 3: How to Practice Espritismo Daily

Consistency is key in Espiritismo. I encourage you to go to your white table to meditate, pray, cry, express gratitude, or anything else. This space is for you and your connection to divinity, so just be present in all of your fullness. The key is to keep coming back. Here are some daily practices to keep you connected:

  1. Morning Gratitude: Start your day by reflecting on what you’re grateful for today and thanking your higher mind. Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, so why not let that help set the tone for the day?

  2. Prayer and Contemplation: Take the time to pray and reflect. This might be picking up your favorite spiritual text or prayer book and reading. Or, if you’re not very religious, take this time to contemplate existential questions like “Who am I?”, “What’s my purpose?”, “Why am I here?”, etc.  

  3. Spiritual Baths: Spiritual cleansing baths are special baths prepared with herbs and flowers to cleanse your energy. It's like a hygiene routine your soul! Be sure to bring your ingredients for a spiritual bath to your white table and prepare them in that sacred space. Leave the bath on the altar with a white candle to receive blessings from your spirits.

  4. Divination Practice: Start with something simple like pendulum work. Ask yes/no questions and see what answers you get. Remember that practice makes perfect, and you may need to experiment with a few styles of divination before you find what works for you. Just as a personal example, I was a tarot reader for years and still am, but a few years ago I started working with bone/charm casting for fun and now I do most of my divinations that way!

Step 4: Finding Community

While you can certainly be a solo practitioner of Espiritismo (I am), having a community is still a huge part of the experience! I don’t know where I’d be today if I hadn’t met so many amazing, generous, brilliant, supportive fellow Espiritistas out there to share knowledge and experiences with. Here are some potential ways to find your spiritual tribe:

  • Find a Mentor: A mentor can provide personalized advice, help you interpret experiences, and warn you about potential pitfalls. Look for someone who resonates with your spiritual goals and has a wealth of experience in Espiritismo.

  • Join Online Espiritismo Groups: In our digital age, connecting with fellow practitioners is easier than ever. Look for Facebook groups, Reddit communities, or other dedicated forums about Espiritismo. These platforms allow you to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from others, no matter where you are in the world.

  • Attend Local (or Virtual) Events: When you feel ready, participating in group rituals can help deepen your practice significantly. Look for Espiritismo centers or cultural events in your area. If there’s nothing nearby, you could also find virtual events like an online Misa to observe experienced practitioners, participate in group meditations, and connect with like-minded individuals.

  • Create a Study Group: If you can't find an existing community, start your own! Invite friends or acquaintances who are interested in spirituality to explore Espiritismo together. You can read books, practice meditation, or discuss experiences as a group.

Step 5: Leveling Up Your Espiritismo Game

As you get more comfortable with the basics over time, you’ll likely want to explore how to hit the next level at some point. Here are a few pointers:

  1. Hit the Books: Start with "The Spirits' Book" by Allan Kardec, which is like the Espiritismo Bible. Read everything you can, take notes, and ask questions.

  2. Get a Spiritual Court Reading: A spiritual court reading can be done by an experienced Espiritista or at certain Misas. This reading will help you identify the names of spirits and their reasons for walking with you in this lifetime.

  3. Develop Your Mediumship: With practice, you might start to develop your mediumship. Just remember to be patient - Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a strong connection to the spirit world! Automatic writing/drawing in a journal is one of many ways to practice.

  4. Update Your Altar: As you explore your spiritual connections further, it’s helpful to update your altar periodically with the spirits and ancestors you find yourself drawn to.

Overcoming Bumps in the Road

Let's be real - starting any new practice can be tough. Here are some common challenges you may encounter and some tips on how to tackle them:

  • Dealing with Doubt: It's normal to have moments of skepticism. When doubt creeps in, remind yourself of the experiences that drew you to Espiritismo in the first place. This is also a great time to turn to your community for support.

  • Finding Time: I get it - life gets busy! Still, every little bit counts. Try starting small, as even 10 minutes a day can make a difference. It's about quality, not quantity.

  • Staying Consistent: Set reminders on your phone, or tie your practice to something you already do daily, like having your morning coffee.

  • Fear: New experiences are always a little intimidating, and possibly even more so when you add a supernatural component to them. Remember - just because something is new doesn’t make it scary! Trust in your divine power as an Espiritista, and turn to trusted mentors if you find yourself becoming overwhelmed. Overcoming fear will be an ongoing issue that will resurface from time to time, so give yourself grace, and don't give up.

In Summary

I hope you found this beginner's guide on how to practice Espiritismo useful! Just remember, this is merely the tip of the iceberg. Espiritismo is a lifelong journey of learning and growth, so take your time and be patient with yourself. Ready to take the plunge? Go on, light that candle, set your intentions, and let the spirits guide you. Your Espiritismo adventure starts now!

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